Quand les flics demandent à Facebook vos informations, voici ce que Facebook envoie aux flics
Le Boston Phoenix révèle l’assignation envoyée par la police à Facebook dans une affaire de meurtre. Les renseignements demandés sont exhaustifs : tous les posts, commentaires, notifications, conversations sur des « murs », dans des groupes, toutes les photos (imprimées sur papier), toutes les coordonnées utilisées par la personne (e-mail et téléphones compris), tous les logs, les dates et durées de connexion, la liste des « amis », tous les mails envoyés, reçus, y compris ceux supprimés.
One of the most fascinating documents we came across was the BPD’s subpoena of Philip Markoff’s Facebook information. It’s interesting for a number of reasons — for one thing, Facebook has been pretty tight-lipped about the subpoena process, even refusing to acknowledge how many subpoenas they’ve served. Social-networking data is a contested part of a complicated legal ecosystem — in some cases, courts have found that such data is protected by the Stored Communications Act.
In fact, we’d never seen an executed Facebook subpoena before — but here we have one, including the forms that Boston Police filed to obtain the information, and the printed (on paper !) response that Facebook sent back, which includes text printouts of Markoff’s wall posts, photos he uploaded as well as photos he was tagged in, a comprehensive list of friends with their Facebook IDs (which we’ve redacted), and a long table of login and IP data.